Una dedica sabea su tavoletta bronzea al dio ʿAthtar ʿAzīzum

Parole chiave

dedicatory inscription
bronze tablet
ʿAthtar ʿAzīzum

Come citare

Agostini, A. (2024). Una dedica sabea su tavoletta bronzea al dio ʿAthtar ʿAzīzum. VICINO ORIENTE, (XXIX). Recuperato da https://www.vicino-oriente-journal.it/index.php/vicino-oriente/article/view/461


The article presents the edition of a Sabaic dedicatory inscription belonging to a Yemenite private collection from Yarīm, which is engraved on an intact bronze tablet whose reading is sometimes made unease by the presence of superficial concretions. Although its place of origin is unknown, on a paleographic and linguistic basis it can be assumed that it belongs to the Period C of Central Middle Sabaic. The interest of this document lies in the mention of the Thābitum lineage and in the attestation
of a new epithet dhū-Yatham attributed to the god ʿAthtar ʿAzīzum, a divinity already known in several manifestations as the principal god of the tribe Dhamarī in the region of the Highlands South of Ṣanʿāʾ and which is revealed here with a further variant.

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