Stone mortars and tripod mortars in Eastern Mediterranean between 2nd and 1st millennium BC


stone mortars
tripod mortars
grinding stones
stone tools

How to Cite

Sabatini, S. (2024). Stone mortars and tripod mortars in Eastern Mediterranean between 2nd and 1st millennium BC. VICINO ORIENTE, (XXVIII). Retrieved from


The main purpose of this contribution is to outline a general framework on the origins and functions of stone tripods, a particular and multifunctional class of material, attested for the first time in Syria in the 3rd millennium BC. The tripod bowl, or tripod-mortar, appears in the sites of the Southern Levant in the Middle Bronze Age and spread during the Iron Age. These specimens will know a wide diffusion throughout the Eastern and Western Mediterranean basin; in fact, mortars/bowls on three feet in stone - and in ceramic - are also attested in the Phoenician colonies of the West

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