Gay in the Sasanian period: some preliminary notes on its circular urban plan


Sasanians circular city
literary sources

How to Cite

Duva, F. (2023). Gay in the Sasanian period: some preliminary notes on its circular urban plan. VICINO ORIENTE, (XXII). Retrieved from


This paper examines the Sasanian allegedly circular city of Gay, in the region of Isfahan.
Material traces of the city have unfortunately been lost so we are forced to rely on Islamic literary
sources alone. After an introduction discussing some aspects of the history of Gay, such as its
foundation and possible founder, an attempt shall be made to reconstruct its layout according to the
information available in medieval sources and through a comparison with the most renowned
Sasanian circular city, Ardashīr Xwarrah/Fīrūzābād. Some hypotheses shall be advanced which aim
to investigate new interesting features of the plan of Gay, in particular its connection with Sasanian
astronomical beliefs.

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