La produzione tessile a Mozia

Parole chiave

textile production
textile tools
dye production
tablet weaving

Come citare

Ferrante, N. (2024). La produzione tessile a Mozia. VICINO ORIENTE, (XXVIII). Recuperato da


The textile production in Motya is well attested in various areas of the island throughout the life of the settlement. The research carried out as part of PRIN PeMSea project, part of a larger study conducted within my PhD, funded by Sapienza University of Rome, on textile production in the Phoenician and Punic area in the western Mediterranean, has brought important new data of this activity in Motya. The study revealed the presence of activities related to all stages of textile production and some fabrics. It was possible to identify on the island, along with the use of the warpweighted loom, the adoption of so-called ‘tablet weaving’ and dyeing activities to decorate textiles

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