Le anfore fenicio-puniche di Mozia: la produzione anforica moziese di VI e V secolo a.C.

Parole chiave

Phoenician-Punic amphorae
Mediterranean Sea
commercial trades
ceramic typology

Come citare

Zielli, F. (2024). Le anfore fenicio-puniche di Mozia: la produzione anforica moziese di VI e V secolo a.C. VICINO ORIENTE, (XXVIII). Recuperato da http://www.vicino-oriente-journal.it/index.php/vicino-oriente/article/view/423


The study of the Phoenician-Punic amphora production of the so-called golden ages of Motya (6th-5th centuries BC) allows not only a typological study, but also the investigation of the flourishing social and commercial growth of Motya and its foreign relations

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