Une inscription au nom d’Akbar. Écho du pouvoir moghol à Ġaznī (Afghanistan
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Parole chiave

Islamic epigraphy

Come citare

Massullo, M. (2023). Une inscription au nom d’Akbar. Écho du pouvoir moghol à Ġaznī (Afghanistan. VICINO ORIENTE, (XXII). Recuperato da http://www.vicino-oriente-journal.it/index.php/vicino-oriente/article/view/247


This paper considers a Mughal inscription recorded by the Italian Archaeological Mission in
Ġaznī, Afghanistan. The text, one of the earliest known records commissioned by the emperor Akbar,
was carved on a marble slab found in the ziyāra of Ḫwāǧa Bolġār, a high venerated shrine in the city.
This epigraphic document is one of the rare pieces of evidence of Mughal patronage in Ġaznī.

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