Between ‘Early and ‘Late’ Iron Age in South-eastern Iran: notes on the possibility to evaluate the ‘Achaemenid impact’ on the area
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Parole chiave

South-eastern Iran
Early Iron Age
Late Iron Age
Achaemenid impact
material culture

Come citare

Maresca, G. (2023). Between ‘Early and ‘Late’ Iron Age in South-eastern Iran: notes on the possibility to evaluate the ‘Achaemenid impact’ on the area. VICINO ORIENTE, (XXII). Recuperato da


This paper explores the possibility to evaluate the intensity of an alleged ‘Achaemenid impact’ on
South-eastern Iran in the light of researches on local material culture and settlement pattern. The
focus of the paper is mainly represented by areas in Kerman Province and in Sistan (Sistan and
Baluchestan Province) by virtue of a greater amount of information at disposal for these territories.

PDF (English)
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