Gadir revisited. A proposal for reconstruction of the archaic Phoenician foundation
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Parole chiave

Phoenician colonization
archaic city
urban morphology

Come citare

Niveau-de-Villedary y Mariñas, A. (2023). Gadir revisited. A proposal for reconstruction of the archaic Phoenician foundation. VICINO ORIENTE, (XXII). Recuperato da


Classical sources and academic tradition situate the Tyrian colony of Gadir under the current
city of Cádiz, in southern Spain. However, it was not until the beginning of our millennium that
archaeological research unearthed part of the urban grid, linked to the ancient foundation,
confirming its location and antiquity. The aim of this paper is to gather and organize the disparate
material data in order to reconstruct the topography, the morphology and the functionality of the
archaic city of Gadir

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