Sfumature divine. Divinità e quadri culturali nei primi secoli della presenza dei Fenici in Occidente
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gods and goddesses

How to Cite

Garbati, G. (2024). Sfumature divine. Divinità e quadri culturali nei primi secoli della presenza dei Fenici in Occidente . VICINO ORIENTE, (XXVIII). Retrieved from http://www.vicino-oriente-journal.it/index.php/vicino-oriente/article/view/446


The present reflections are dedicated to the study of the most ancient data, found in the Western Mediterranean, relating to the cult of Phoenician divinities. Through some case studies, I will try to highlight how diversified and variable, on the religious level (and, more broadly, from the cultural perspective), was the world that the Levantine communities contributed to build in the new chosen territories

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