A small intruder: a Medieval marble winged lion from Ravello


Ravello (Campania)
marble sculptures
Norman period
Islamic contacts

How to Cite

Fontana, M. V. (2023). A small intruder: a Medieval marble winged lion from Ravello. VICINO ORIENTE, (XXII). Retrieved from http://www.vicino-oriente-journal.it/index.php/vicino-oriente/article/view/244


An image of a 12th century marble winged lion was provocatively included among the slides
accompanying a lecture by the author at a recent conference at the American Academy in Rome to
illustrate Umberto Scerrato’s work on Islamic archaeology and art history in Italy. The lion, in fact,
was never published by Scerrato, but it and a winged bull, both once featuring as ornaments on the
“Moresque Fountain” in Ravello (originally from a medieval building most likely from Ravello
itself), are the subject of this brief article. They are of undeniable Islamic taste.

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