Monte Sirai 2005-2010. Bilanci e prospettive
PDF (Italiano)


ceramica fenicia e punica
tombe infantili
donna gravida
attività metallurgiche

How to Cite

Guirguis, M. (2023). Monte Sirai 2005-2010. Bilanci e prospettive. VICINO ORIENTE, (XVI). Retrieved from


The site of Mount Sirai, investigated since the early ‘60s, currently is a field-research for the
study of the Phoenician and Punic presence in the south-western Sardinia between the 8th and 2nd
centuries. B.C. In the case of Monte Sirai, the internal position is probably linked to the existence of
privileged relations between the Nuragic elements present in the area and the inhabitants of oriental
origin. This paper presents new data from the necropolis and from the recent excavations in the socalled Acropoli. The tombs offer several contexts of infant burials and of a pregnant woman.
During the last seasons of excavations (2005-2010) has been detected a large number of ritual
activities and funerary practices; the presence of a cemetery used between the 6th and the 5th
centuries B.C., of which was found the ustrinum area, is related to discovery of bodies semi-burnt.
The most recent research in the Acropoli has confirmed the horizon of most ancient presence in the
second half of 8th century B.C. and the final abandonment at the end of the 2nd century B.C. The
various traces of metallurgical activities confirm, finally, the strategic exploitation of mines in the
Sulcis region.

PDF (Italiano)
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