Un altare bruciaprofumi punico dalla “Casa del sacello domestico” a Mozia
PDF (Italiano)


altare bruciaprofumi
culto domestico
rituale funerario

How to Cite

Spagnoli, F. (2023). Un altare bruciaprofumi punico dalla “Casa del sacello domestico” a Mozia. VICINO ORIENTE, (XVI). Retrieved from http://www.vicino-oriente-journal.it/index.php/vicino-oriente/article/view/156


Excavations at Motya carried on by «La Sapienza» University of Rome to the western slope of the
Acropolis (Area D) have brought to light a small altar/incense burner which illustrates a well attested
typology of domestic cult devices of Phoenician-Punic tradition. The context of the cult installation
provides some interesting hints at its religious utilizations.

PDF (Italiano)
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