Bâtiment III: il palazzo neosiriano di Hama
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How to Cite

Vallorani, A. (2023). Bâtiment III: il palazzo neosiriano di Hama . VICINO ORIENTE, (XIV). Retrieved from http://www.vicino-oriente-journal.it/index.php/vicino-oriente/article/view/126


Being known as one of the monumental buildings forming the acropolis mound of Hamath, the
Bâtiment III has been considered since its discovery as a temple. The remarks which enable this
traditional presentation do not bind the building’s interpretation which can be stated safely as
secular judging from the planimetry employed and presented as palatine thanks to typological
The renewed analysis introduced in the present paper combined to its critical interpretation
provide the means for the correct understanding of the structure and enable to recognize its
peculiarities as the same distinctive traits, though at an early stage, of the khilani. Hamath’s
building allows to better outline the evolution of this architectonic typology within the period
directly preceding its canonization. The Bâtiment III supplies us with the link between the
embryonic specimen of Alalakh VII and the typical formulations of Zincirli, showing to what extent
the neosyrian centre of Hamath participates actively to the configuration of a truly Syrian secular
typology which in the 9th century BC is still under elaboration.

PDF (Italiano)
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