La corona del dio. Nota sull’iconografia divina nel Protodinastico
PDF (Italiano)

How to Cite

Romano, L. (2023). La corona del dio. Nota sull’iconografia divina nel Protodinastico. VICINO ORIENTE, (XIV). Retrieved from


During the Early Dynastic Period the element that characterizes gods’ representations, thus
making them different from human-beings, is a particular hair-dress: the horned-crown. The
analysis here presented distinguishes at least three different types of divine hair-dresses - the
simple horned-crown, the Anzu-crown and the horned-crown with vegetable mid-element -,
showing how each one is linked to deities with a specific sphere of influence. In this way, it is
possible to hypothesize a development of the divine hair-dress from the simple horned-crown to
the multiple one.

PDF (Italiano)
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